There are different types of wood that are commonly used for wooden pasture fences: tropical hardwood and pine softwood. Choosing the right material will be determined by your requirements for appearance, lifespan, and budget. This blog will outline the differences between softwood and hardwood, like why is softwood cheaper than hardwood? 

What is Tropical Hardwood? 

This type of wood derives from deciduous trees; these are trees that follow seasonal patterns, such as shedding leaves in autumn. It is also durability class 1 meaning it is the most durable, tough type of wood available. When using tropical hardwood for fencing or gates, it is very low maintenance, often not requiring any attention for at least 30 years. 

What is Pine Softwood? 

Softwood, on the other hand, is from coniferous trees; these have needles rather than leaves. This type of wood requires treatment to ensure it is weatherproof, windproof and moisture resistant. Otherwise, it can have a shorter lifespan. Choosing fully impregnated wood that has been dried correctly can ensure the pinewood is more durable and lasts longer, potentially up to 20 years. 

Softwood vs Hardwood 


Tropical hardwood is a popular choice due to its stylish appearance. Over time, the wood develops more character which causes the colouring to blend into its surroundings. However, softwood exudes elegance and can colour to a grey if impregnated properly.   


Hardwood tends to be a more expensive option, as the trees grow a lot slower. They are also sourced from around the world, adding to the price which is usually twice that of softwood. Due to softwood deriving from trees that grow faster and in larger numbers, they are cheaper than hardwood.  


Both types of wood can be said to have sustainable qualities. However, softwood could be considered the better option, as they can be easily farmed in Europe in larger quantities. Hardwood requires a more tropical climate, has a slower growth rate and needs more resources overall. In the long term, hardwood can last longer though so it could be argued it is the smarter choice. Regardless of the wood type chosen, you should always ensure it was responsibility sourced.  

At Norton’s Fencing, we offer Densiforce® softwood fences, that promise the best possible quality and a guarantee of 20 years or more. Our De Sutter Naturally tropical hardwood fences are also available and require minimal maintenance, often lasting up to 30 years.  

Get in contact with us today to find the equine fencing solution for you.